Monday, January 31, 2011

Things I hate about people!

From What the eyes cannot see

There are certain character traits that make a certain composition to the extent that, like music, one can tell how its melody is going to turn out. Whether its grunge, rock, rap, classic, metal, pop or etc – you can almost always tell which is which after the first eight to ten seconds into the song. On the same line, we are able to fit into stereotypes the myriad of personalities we encounter in our life.

The experiences I’ve had then made me smarter, more mature and quite honestly, a bit more judgmental. And mind you, I don’t see being good at judging character a bad thing at all. I am able to better understand, relate and communicate with these personalities better. But it doesn’t diminish the fact that I still hate their stinking gut! Here are some of them:

1. People that say “YOU DIDN’T” at every start of their sentence.

I never really understood which part of YOU and DID NOT gave these people the idea that it’s okay to use them in one sentence! This type of self-affirmation gives them that domineering mindset that they know better and would like to show off a bit – it’s the classic nagger/cynic attitude.

2. The dreaded accusatory statement of “YOU DID IT, DID YOU…”

What’s equally worse than someone saying you didn’t do something? It’s when someone blames you for doing so! “You forgot to lock the door, did you?” – Just gets me all fuming inside!

3. I want to hear what I want to hear!

I call these people airheaded assholes! When someone talks, their puny underpowered, rusty, good-for-nothing brain just is not capable of listening attentively! I really don’t like getting close to these people, they only do most of the talking and has most likely very low social skills.

4. Insecurity!

Some people ask me, how can you tell if the person is insecure from afar? And I tell them, look at their weight! Most insecure people find security in material things, 51% of them find it in food! I challenge my co workers to test this theory and they always come back to me saying I’m right!

5. Self-righteous!

Generally people would strive to be socially and morally upright as we are brought up by our respective families with strong values. But some seems to live in this tiny bubble and never make it outside the box; they seem to only see the wrong in others and never in themselves. I’ve always believed that the person that has an AVERAGE emotional intelligence can easily overcome this loophole.

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