Friday, December 3, 2010

Orange Lampshade

From What the eyes cannot see

Surviving the daily grind of life
Is a skirmish each one faces day by day
Fighters of the corporate rat race
Oblivious to the physical derelicts

But we really have to play this game
This is but as normal as the olden days
Tribes in groups out to forage and hunt
They all struggled to become warriors and sons

We throw punches like pro-boxers do
And spit on each others faces like statesmen
Get enraged by the nemesis’ advances
Continuously trying to stay ahead

When the time for getting off arrives
I happily jump and sit comfortably
Savouring every peace and quiet
For meditation and self recollection

I drive slowly to a wonted place
To see the orange lampshade by the window
As it sheds its calm light to a room
Where Beauty rejuvenates in every night

Gazed at the bright pane so eagerly
Feeling recharged with every passing moment
Coz of the connection, the distance
True divine intervention doing its part

So I make my way back to my home
With nothing but content and full energy
To face another war with the world
And the violent cycle goes on and on

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


From What the eyes cannot see

Hey you, walk right up to the plate
Let this whole nation coagulate
Get it right while we can still fight
Coz this battle just doesn’t seem right

The rich people only gets fatter like a leech
Don’t care about the government or the kids in the streets
Where guns are drawn and fear is spawned
To get more drugs everything they have, they pawned

Let not all this be brought to hate
We are here to help you stop the spate
Start uniting people who want this change
Choose not to continue getting deranged

Hey you, get up with that cane
Hey you, start doing the same
Hey you, join hands and be a factor
Hey you, stop dreaming and let’s start doing it together

Aren’t we all tired of all the sooth-sayers
And everyone just drops on their knees and say prayers
We all darn well know what we need to succeed
But what we are full in the mind, we lack in deed

We all been shoved, kicked, slapped and torn down
Right to the very core by the very people we wrote down
In the ballots, the vote’s based on what we see on TV
We see no significance of this suffrage activity

How long can we continue to define
The missing things that can make our country fine
To me, all you are doing is whine
I don’t care what you say – continue to live in your sublime

Hey you, shut up I have enough of you
Hey you, let’s start moving and stop this pain
Hey you, end this effin’ politicking
Hey you, let’s live the good life again

Saturday, September 18, 2010


From What the eyes cannot see

Is like torture but has twice the inner pain
It’s like being thirsty in the middle of the ocean
Or a mirage of an oasis after walking for miles in the dessert

This kills you more inside; it breaks and shreds your morale
Makes you hate every waking hour, dreading for another day
Hours pass by with pure distaste

Destruction of oneself with each rigor
As you struggle to stay afloat, you find it easier to let go
Similar to an ailing old man and his illness

To set free the soul that has been through such atrocities
Atrocities of all human transgressions against another
Taking every breath and every ounce of your energy

Apathy settles comfortably when the world starts to cave in
Whether it’s caused by sickness of the mind or a lack of fire in the heart
Losing battles will always end up with your spirit being whisked away

Persecution belongs to the many, but only a few are in this predicament
Who is more guilty and who should be crucified?
Would past mistakes beget future mistakes?

Do we not learn from our experiences and move on.
Or do we sit in our own shit and not know it?
Or do we like it like that, warm and clammy?

To persecute is easy, as easy as easy can be
But to be on the other side, it’s a losing game
Trudging through moments with a ball and chain

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

From What the eyes cannot see

There are things in life that impact us - be it lessons taught or lessons learned. But as we go about our circadian, these priceless nuggets lose its meaning and is soon forgotten. So, to honor this timeless poem that i heard while watching a movie today - I will post it in my blog:

William Ernest Henley. 1849–1903

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,

Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


From What the eyes cannot see

What is it about the random but steady ripples of time?
That even the renowned Little Prince
Spoke about life through rhythm and rhyme
Which my thoughts bedazzle

Upon the heavens the stars stand as witnesses
Of the first walk from the first men in Africa
To its other quests bringing the peak of ruthlessness
And the greatest of chivalry all at once

Sublime is it to see the ticking of every clock
Rising and setting - the passing of each day
Our shadows bouncing to and fro along with our epochs
As we shun the important ones for thingamajigs

Ancient natural philosophers see the water and waves
Others conceive the eternal and immutable
Many believe in a God that saves
But did this really serve well in our daily ways?

Everyone agrees that time is linear
And yet man continues to commit looping mistakes
Do learning curves form a loop too?
Irrational thinking for a rational being

Friday, January 8, 2010

Zonked Out

My girlfriend and I went out to the Parkmall last night, it was a cold and wind-chill filled evening, and decided to check out some food shops where we can get some pica. So we then proceeded to finding a nice place and after a good tramp around area we chose to dip our taste buds with something that wasn’t familiar to us. And Since there were a few new resto’s in the vicinity, we threw the dart while blindfolded and picked one.

This restaurant has an above average façade, a huge LCD TV on the inside and had paintings all over the area and had a small terrace right on the second floor – quite a good choice if you ask me. We sat down, had a quick glance at their menu and in less than 20 seconds, we knew were in for a poignant surprise.

We thought we had the concept all figured out with the manner in which the entire store packaging was presented but apparently their dishes said otherwise. We stared, browsed, got confused, read, reread, flicked and flicked some more from one type of food to the other while trying so hard to understand – and I guess see the point, of what is being offered. They had such a myriad of food categories (pasta, appetizers, soup, desserts, beef, pork, vegetarian and etc) to choose from but only had so little options to choose from each (probably had three soup choices and four pasta choices and three desserts and etc). What’s worse is that you cannot even identify if it’s supposed to showcase American, Pinoy, Italian or whatever cuisine – and it’s not even right to tag it as Fusion simply because it just did not have any identity. It sure does make say, “What were they thinking?”

This ushers us to the simple fact that strengths should be developed further before weaknesses are to be treated. Here is a bistro that wanted so hard to impress its diners with the range of choices (or the lack thereof) that they present to them but only had very few offerings – talk about spreading yourself too thin!

Without question, it was clearly evident that this restaurant was run by an amateur. Not that I am claiming to be a restaurant guru myself, but I felt that it was not a well thought of investment especially that you would already be zonked out just to put up the business. Maybe I am spiteful to these restaurants where I can see huge and exciting opportunities for growth. But their millionaire owners just didn’t care enough or do not know enough where to strike them and instead they just pack-up and leave.

The most successful food places start with an attractive concept, this word is what encapsulates the place and in turn helps gravitate more and more customers to you. And when the business concept is poor, it will still gravitate customers but towards the opposite direction – away from you.

Oh well, I wish that store all the best, but with how it stands, I doubt if it will survive the next 6 months.