Friday, March 16, 2012

3 AM

From What the eyes cannot see

Here I am again, it is 3 in the morning and I can’t get any of the forty winks. What’s new, right? My eyes kept staring at my laptop waiting for some idea to pop in and write about. To my bedside, a red lampshade on top of a white table, shooting the right amount of photons to keep my eyes a 20/20, being as reliable as ever. The box is on basketball TV, waiting for the latest player movements as the NBA nears the trade deadline. The sound of my A/C persists all throughout the night. It will assure me of the most ideal temperature to doze off to should I be blessed with one in the next hour or two. It continues to hum right beside these insanely thick accounting books sitting comfortably on top of a pink Jansport backpack reminding me of my college days.

Bored, I walked around the garden outside to get the purest o2’s into my respiratory system – always feels like a refreshing drink when I do this at dawn. I think of it as like feeding Mario and Luigi some shrooms. Remember those days? Mario would feel like he’s got an additional life, like he would not feel any pain as he breaks those bricks out of the way! I then saw Twixie, our pretty daschund, trotting gracefully as we slowly make our way around the house trying to stare through the shadows of the night and absorbing everything in.

Now I am back to my laptop inside my room wishing I had more time. The more we age, the lesser control we have in terms of owning our own time and deciding what to do with each hour of the day. Burdened by stress, lately I have been finding myself just peacefully staring at the telly or just not wanting to do anything at all. There are so many things that I want to do – to jog, play basketball again, read kindle books and write the stuff in my head on this blog – but sapped out of energy, I end up doing nothing.

But there is reason to take out the chinaware; I am going on leave for a week which means I would have time off work and a whole lot of time for myself. My sore body is ready to get immersed back into a different world again, a world I just got acquainted with - in less than a year ago but is slowly taking a place in my heart.