Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Heist of Life

From What the eyes cannot see

Why is it that…

When you wake up, your eyes feel a lot heavier than before you slept?
Just when we got the things we want, we still want something more?
Most people that are in a hurry are the ones getting late?
You brought home the bacon but still felt empty inside?
Some go to church and hear mass every Sunday but found no God?
We cannot tell what is too hot and too cold from a distance?

Are these the faculties of the world we gait with? Or are these merely some erratic freak of nature that is non-falsifiable? Given the social fabric of today, we are more empirically inclined to immerse ourselves in societal culture and understanding. We cannot afford to remain ignorant with the all the things that we are exposed to in our daily activities.

But have you ever felt that everything has its price? One day when you are laughing with your friends, enjoying the zest of the moment... have you felt that there might be some swing to balance that? And sooner or later you will be on you bed, alone, hurt and sobbing your heart out?

There are instances when men of history that are found to be the catalyst of change themselves.. Successful, rich, intellectual, educationally upright and highly influential.. Still have a dark side hidden beneath their story. The great Vincent Van Gogh, Constantinople, Bill Clinton and even Michael Jackson, to name a few, were really successful in art, warfare, politics and music. But there is always that unforeseen twist that covers their lives.

When you thought you are on a high, things begin to erode without warning. They collapse and hit you hard like boulder falling damn straight towards you. One question remains, are you ready for that? Some say its only incidental that, fallible that we are, to have these coasters happening. Others say it’s “Karma” of which the cycle of life and living evolves.

Whatever it is, just know that life can bring gifts of joy as easily as it shares its grief. As I have read somewhere, “it’s all in the way you see things. When perception changes, everything changes.”

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Con•fu•sion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-fyzhn)n.

• The act of confusing or the state of being confused
• An instance of being confused
• Psychology. Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person in a disturbed mental state.
• Disturbance of consciousness characterized by inability to engage in orderly thought or by lack of power to distinguish, choose, or act decisively
• Disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
• A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior
• A feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
• An act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended

Confusion.. What a word! I have been treading onto this life for more than 25 years now and everyday when I'd look myself in the mirror I still cannot find myself standing comfortably with the person that I am. For whatever reason, i just feel like there is something more than what I have been accomplishing in the past years. People think that if living is so simple then some genius would have already formulated an equation on how to live life and be successful at it! NOT!

No one has ever lived life the way they expected or even strove it to be. I hardly know a few who have been successful in this quest for happiness and contentment.. And most of them have white hair or no hair at all left on them before they found themselves to be in such well envied state. Living is so complex in itself that I tend to overlook the things that are supposed to be the "obvious" priorities that one has to undertake to be in a state of "nirvana" (in its most respectful sense).

So why is it so hard to behave predictably and act in socially acceptable ways hoping to find happiness in there? Pretty simple actually, its because these there are too many erratic variables involved in our daily activities and interactions. One of which is the one that separates us from anything else, and that is the heart. The emotions that we feel, the actions we take, the consequences we ignore, attachments we commit to.. And more.. All of these burn inside like clashing waves and you are right in the middle, just there like deadwood.

So why are we confused? You tell me.